
来源:语文精选馆 3.17W

She took off his miserable shoes.

You are miserable, are you not?

His life become miserable after his marriage to a wench

There are still many people whose living conditions are miserable.

abject cowardice; a low stunt to pull; a low-down sneak; his miserable treatment of his family; You miserable skunk!; a scummy rabble; a scurvy trick.

If the miserable waste ground lying near it could have laughed, it would have laughed it to scorn, like many of the miserable neighbours.

the genial rating his miserable body with its warmth(bJack London)

I've had enough of being mimetic, and I'm no longer staying in this miserable Muja.

Now at that time in Rajagaha there was a leper named SuppaBuddha, a poor, miserable wretch of a person.

Others live out their last days in anger, bitterly railing against the miserable fate they've been dealt.

How many times have you taken on work that makes you miserable because you've discounted your unhappiness in favor of how much money you'll bring in?

Anyone stuck in a miserable job - or anyone trying to figure out what to do with their life - should watch this.

A more serious objection is that my entries seem to support the theory that I'm trying to disprove: on my miserable days - Tuesday and Thursday - my work was bad too.

The idea that the world was bound to be soiled and miserable, while fulfillment was to be found in another realm, was merely a reflection of a divided society.

"But the front of her body made her miserable. It was already beginning to slacken, with a slack sort of thinness, almost withered, going old before it had ever really lived. She thought of the child she might somehow bear. Was she fit, anyhow?"

You call that miserable thing a pig?

His sunken cheeks slowly reddened and burned with miserable shame.

It is a miserable time and made more miserable by the fact that half the people I know have escaped to somewhere warm.

But in fact if I didn't work I would be very miserable.

And when they get the answer, they feel miserable, as if their work suddenly weighs them down.

Their desperate journey over the floes must surely rank as one of the most miserable and arduous polar slogs ever attempted.

Some folk kill two birds with one stone: by booking a short holiday abroad they can escape miserable winter weather and the strained atmosphere of a family Christmas with the relatives.

He led a miserable life .

His life became miserable after his marriage to the wench

Work hard, but remember to play as well or you'll end up miserable.

He showed a remarkable picture of great towering maize plants in the plot with the char and miserable little runts in the plot without.

The handmaid led a miserable life.

Emotional tributes and alarmist news coverage are now believed to have provided unwitting encouragement, by adding romance to the miserable business of dying young.

Standing there in the office, miserable, I wanted to vanish into the paneling.

And when he goes to synagogues to solicit volunteers, he makes this argument: "Yes, we had a miserable history, okay, let's get over that, we ended up not in such a bad place."
