“background music”可以造什么句,background music造句

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background music造句

Do you like the background music of this film?

Set background music for voice conversations, so as to share music among you and your friends.

What is the background music of the index page? Anywhere to download it?

You'll then see yourself surrounded by other avatars, and there's background music and lots of laughing, grunting and other noises.

The screen light is natural light, without modification, the true nature and background music soothing, melodious romantic!

One of the researchers, Nicolas Gueguen, wrote, "The results are interesting for scientists who work on the effect of background music on individuals' behaviour."

This video will be famous, your classic tracks as background music, select a beautiful picture, published in the world to promote your art seen their real charm!

Its shaking scene as it begins, the unique background music, even the unclear theme of the movie makes us confused: why did it get the Academy Award, instead of the popular "Avatar"?

Check the coffin color and design, the deceased's apparel, the background music, and the chair set-up, as well as plans for the funeral service at the scheduled time.

That incessant background music gets on my nerves.

Ask this video frequency background music source, name for help, download address!

The leaves of the field are covered with worms, which are extremely delicate, like the background music of the night.

Changed the background music again, it should sound familiar to most people, so I'm not going to say where it is from, take a guess yourself.

Not only are most massage therapists self employed, But they also get to smell smoothing aromatherapy scents and listen to calming background music or ocean sounds all day while they work.

But listen to it mindfully, not just as background music but the music that inspires you.

Objectives To explore and research the effect of a kind of therapy defined as language introducing based on background music on anxiety for prisoners.

After supper, when the curtain of night falls, you can enjoy the beauty of Enlong Lake in the afterglow (Afterglow Vale; when you go back to the wooden villa on the bluestone alley, you can enjoy the background music and view the tiny light of red lantern, which looks like staying in the dreamland.

There are teaching ways of listening to the theme music or background music, singing the English songs which are in pace with teaching materials or the lyrical songs contacting closely with the life.

When Sister Wang was in the car, the background music was always the pure music, no lyrics version of “The Moon Represents My Heart”.
