
来源:语文精选馆 3.1W

2、Cinderella, bring me my dress!@ said Ingrid.

4、Olivia, Ingrid and Cinderella were all invited to the party.

6、Julia is telling Ingrid about her planned visit to Canberra.

8、Mr. Ingrid is a deputy editor of the guardian, a talented scholar.

10、I had watched you flirt with Ingrid at the church picnics.

12、Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today.

14、The FARC released two other hostages in January, but they still hold several hundred, including Ingrid Betancourt, a politician of dual Colombian and French nationality.

16、His heart beat with eager anticipation, then stopped with a sinking thud. Not Ingrid, but her older sister Marta, stepped down from the train.

18、"You might be a lame duck, but you still have the power to help lame turkeys, who are made that way by the cruelty of the meat industry," PETA President Ingrid Newkirk wrote in the letter.

20、They adhered to an old-fashioned and somewhat puritanical morality, and criticized their friend Ingrid Bergman for destroying her film career by having an illegitimate child with Roberta Rossellini.

1、Ingrid darted across the deserted street.

5、He asked only that Ingrid stop behaving so scandalously.

9、It didn't matter that Ingrid had outdistanced them as a film star.

13、As he watches the animals, Nils Peder is yoiking, chanting a throaty, traditional Sami song evoking his wife, Ingrid.

17、Miss Ingrid Kan, registered dietician, talked about which essential nutrients growing up milk should contain and the importance of natural and clean origins.

21、1964至1973年间,Ingrid Bergman位于汉诺威广场(HanoverSquare)的夜店光靠著她的个人魅力,美国好莱坞众星云集,欧洲皇室贵族大驾光临,夜夜笙歌,人满为患。

7、He just asked Ingrid to stop being so outrageous.

15、Law and accountancy firms in the Caribbean country have been busy restructuring funds, said Ingrid Pierce, a partner at Walkers law firm in the Cayman Islands.

3、He liked to kid Ingrid a lot.

19、The 1942 Kleenex classic, starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman and directed by Michael Curtiz, tops the Writers Guild of America's inaugural list of the 101 Greatest Screenplays of all time.

11、Not Ingrid, but her older sister Marta, stepped down from the train.
