
来源:语文精选馆 2.02W

Some farmers may replant corn.

Now the two is of course the descendants replant.

They have to replant the seedbeds as soon as possible.

To keep a fresh supply take one or two cloves from each bulb and replant them.

The management of kidney replant, mentality, healing and early education of children are scheduled to developed in the near future.

Now, China hasn't the foundations of the concept and supports of the system to replant Plea-bargaining.

Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums, impatiens and petunias. Bedding plants are usually started in greenhouses. People buy them in containers and replant them.

The major achievements in this paper include:1. Implement the Hot Standby Routing Protocol in the core routing switch, and replant it to the router platform.

It was considered that the control of replant disease is based on deep research and understanding of its mechanisms. The methods should be high-efficiency and harmless to public health.

It is of practical significance to replant the amputated fingers across joints correctly in the survival of the replanted fingers and in the preservation of the functions of the hands.

The villagers lack the capital to replant.

The villagers scramble to replant the uprooted trees, nursing them tenderly back into the ground.

The girl often picked up the withered plants Ma discarded and would replant them in front of her room.

Bass does have a backyard, but she has no plans to uproot and replant her garden back there any time soon.

With examples of the system of consumption accumulated points of debit cards in our bank, this discourse studies a mode based on B/S and considers its validity, safety and ability to replant.

People buy them in containers and replant them.

The effects of AS818 on replant disease of strawberry were studied through inoculating strawberry with AS818 in pot cultures.

replant a window box.

The colourfully clad mothers who are harvesting greens next to the recovery wards are asked when they'll replant. "Before the sun goes down," they say.

If you are using a potted pine or spruce tree, you can replant it after using it which will preserve the tree's life and beautify where ever you decide to replant it.
