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The most recent state to affirm Frye is California in the Leahy case, decided in October 1994.

Leahy noted that man's eventual epitaph in earth's Chronicles might read: "This species did well for a while But overreached."

A mischievous John Leahy, Airbus chief operating officer customers, could not resist the opportunity at the show to describe Bombardier's CSeries move as "very courageous."

Mr Leahy admits he has been calling customers to sound them out. "I don't want to build a plane next year they don't want," he says.


Three years ago, Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy declared the UK was turning into a nation of foodies as shoppers traded up and put more emphasis on food quality, provenance and environmental issues.

While Asia will catch up with America and Europe, the “minor twist” is that Asian low-cost airlines will mostly rely on wide-body rather than single-aisle type of aircraft favoured in Europe for shorter distances, according to Mr Leahy.

Senator Patrick Leahy says he plans to subpoena White House officials involved in firing federal prosecutors.

Dr. Leahy admitted that although Crocs offer nice arch support, they shouldn't be worn for a long time because they do not adequately secure the heel.

Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees the F.B.I., called the report “troubling.”

But John Leahy, the head of sales at Airbus, says he is looking forward to selling the A320 NEO (which stands for "new engine option") from the middle of this month.

John Leahy, an Airbus executive, hopes to begin marketing the new plane as early as mid-October.

But John Leahy, chief commercial officer for Airbus, predicted at the Asian Aerospace show in Hong Kong on the 3 Sep that “the low-cost model is set to explode in terms of growth in Asia”.

Sir Terry Leahy, Tesco's boss, said last year that the monitoring system had reduced waiting time for customers and helped to boost the firm's profits.

新几内亚,这座世界第二大岛也不例外。来自欧洲的传教士、种植园主和公务人员聚居于新几内亚沿海的低地一带,因为他们认为那条将该岛一分为二的险峻山脉根本不适合人类居住。虽然从两边海岸的位置看来这是一条山脉,但其实它是两条,在它们中间,是一片气候宜人的高原,其间错落着众多土地肥沃的峡谷。这片高地之上,大约有100 万处于石器时代的土著生活。4 万年来,他们一直过着与世隔绝的生活,不为外人所知。直到有一天,人们在新几内亚岛上的一条河流中发现了金子,紧随而来的淘金热吸引了生*自由的澳大利亚探矿者迈克尔· 莱希(Michael Leahy)。
