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Trouble is brewing in the trade unions.

The unions have blacked all inports from country.

The number and strength of trade unions are rapidly shrinking.

This section helps you understand how to model unions using UML.

But the unions are weak: a previous strike in September 2010 fell humiliatingly flat.

The government will not allow its civil service associations to have close ties with external trade unions.

US marriages last longer than unions where couples live together outside matrimony, the Centers for Disease Control reported on Tuesday.

The cast iron flanges minimize the need of pipe unions and fittings while offering ease of installation and maintenance.

Only workers and the grassroots trade unions know about their violations and they need to raise their voice immediately so Labour inspectors can help them.

This is not all Mr Corzine's fault, but he has never seriously challenged the cosy contractors and public-sector unions that bloat costs.

A reauthorized version of the NCLB could pave the way for more districts to reward the best teachers with such bonuses, though any such effort faces staunch challenges from teacher unions.

"In my country," sniffed a European diplomat, "a damaging strike over something so trivial could not happen. Management and the unions would sit down and come to an agreement."

In France a fight with public-sector unions is on the horizon, for reasons predating the recession-the government has long been eager to get a grip on the spiralling cost of pensions.

The report fully vindicated the unions.

To be fair, the unions are not all bad.

During this period, the unions gained many fringe benefits, and the membership increased sharply.

Trade unions have been publicizing their branches, urging members to wait until a national agreement is reached.

But economic history is littered with examples of fixed exchange rates that came unfixed; the disuniting of currency unions, though rarer, happens from time to time.

In addition, the aggressive actions of the trade unions and Chinese students have left Singapore with a bad reputation in the eyes of investors around the world.

A recent deal between government and trade unions on public-sector pay, which included pledges of no further cuts for four years, may be rejected by union members still fuming over earlier measures.

It's different from other student clubs or unions.

She initiated the reform of trade unions under the background of rising unemployment.

The ruling clears the way for corporations and unions to use their own money to support the election or defeat of a candidate.

I will send you a proposal to double the budget of the National Endowment for Democracy, and to focus its new work on the development of free elections, and free markets, free press, and free labor unions in the Middle East.

Anonymous unions have to be nested elements and cannot exist at the top level in a model.

The whole dispute comes down to a power struggle between management and trade unions.

Unlike the rioting youths in the banlieues, the objective of the students and public-sector trade unions is to prevent change, and to keep France the way it is.
