
来源:语文精选馆 3.43W

The fairy godmother waved her (magic) wand.

Romulus waved his wand, he is a collector of the wand, the wand of treasure with white jade inlaid with a body, like glasses like precious stones.

Snape's wand fell on the floor a few feet away.

The enormity of his decision not to race Voldemort to the wand still scared Harry.

And people expect you have a magic wand to change things.

Reaching Snape, she crouched down, pulled out her wand, and whispered a few, well-chosen words. Bright blue flames shot from her wand onto the hem of Snape's robes.

I don't have the wand, But I did keep the very convincing dentures they made for me.

His purple wand - which is actually a plastic stake for horseshoes - usually leads, but his body and his whistle work right along with it.

Although, there is no magic wand on how to keep your man from cheating, many men do respond to love, care and concern.

Intelligent monsters know how to use them and a puny gnome is a lot less puny if it zaps you with a wand of lightning.

What all this means is that even if I waved my wand and stopped mutation for good, there are at least some species in which evolution could carry on for ages, perhaps indefinitely.

The conductor raised his wand.

Appreciation does not work like a magic wand.

So where do we get this magic wand and crystal ball?

Looming over the doomed kobold, the priestess drew a slender black wand from her belt and began to chant softly.

With a flick of the wand, the Marauder's Map is an enchanted piece of parchment that shows Hogwarts school and the real-time locations of everyone in it.

Based on this principle, the wand in the experiments essentially USES electricity to push the flame away from the burner, "detaching it from the fuel source, so it goes out."

The magician waved his magic wand.

The procedure is done by inserting "wand-like cameras and tools" through small incisions in the abdomen and navel.

Actually stopping mutations is a physical impossibility - hence the need for a magic wand. But if they were to stop, so would raw invention.

My sister stumbles past me, dropping her wand, and cries into her lap.

Were a magic wand to remove uncertainty, the next few quarters would still be tough (some of the damage cannot be undone), but the crisis would largely go away.

But it's too early to replace a firefighter's hose or an office sprinkler system with a zapping wand.
