
来源:语文精选馆 3.41W

Experiment is the final arbiter in science.

The state is also the final arbiter of law.

she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion.

The Acme COE also sets up an architecture review board as an arbiter for contentious issues.

desgns of MXI-2 control signals concerting circuit ,address modifier,priority selection daisy chain,transceiver controller andsystem arbiter are introduced.

The law does not say who defines national values, but there are no prizes for guessing the final arbiter.

The poison-penned arbiter of style described newly single Spears and celebrity socialite Hilton as "two peas in an over-exposed pod! Style-free and fashion deprived."

Teahouses had been in existence long before Sen no Rikyu first put a tea bowl to his lips, but this supreme arbiter of aesthetics introduced changes that became widespread.

And by deciding whether or not it will allow Greek Banks access to its liquidity lines, the ECB is the main arbiter of what any Greek debt restructuring will look like.

Time is the arbiter of fate.

He has made sure that he is the only arbiter.

In this circumstance, the court ACTS as final arbiter on a difficult issue.

This arbiter is called a quorum server; it can be any machine that both nodes in the cluster can reach.

His works seem less theoretical constructing abstract models of political life than advice-giving, in the sense of serving as a sort of civic-minded arbiter of public disputes.

The only arbiter of good taste in wine is you.

The outrage was predictable from a party that has frequently positioned itself as a moral arbiter for all Malaysians.

The World Trade Organisation will rapidly wither as a negotiating forum for new rules; it may eventually lose its legitimacy as an arbiter of trade disputes, whereby the old rules are upheld.

Still, her personal connection with the arbiter of policy-what her friends call the "mind meld" between herself and the president-will remain.

The army, however, is hardly a neutral arbiter.
