“viewing room”可以造什么句,viewing room造句

来源:语文精选馆 3.12W
viewing room造句

As the Warden turns to leave, Lincoln asks Pope who was in the viewing room for his execution.

Warden Pope nods to Bellick to open the curtain to the viewing room, revealing Michael, sitting on the other side of the glass.

There is sufficient contrast on this projector to forego the high contrast gray screens unless there is a lot of reflected light from walls, ceilings, and carpets in the viewing room.

The purpose of this paper is to introduce and discuss issues and principles concerning planning and design of large group AV viewing room or auditorium in libraries.

The Resource Centre has a number of viewing booths and a viewing room. Our staff reserve the right to allocate the viewing booths according to the number of viewers.

"Used in Italy since the Renaissance, it often assumes the form of a loggia. The term is often used for a gazebo on top of a Building, especially the glazed viewing room of a Victorian dwelling. "
