
来源:语文精选馆 3.16W

Evelyn Mulwray: She's my sister AND my daughter!

Evelyn bought a gift for her father because she loved her father.

Protester Tyrone Evelyn, 15, said the group, from Whitchurch High School in Cardiff, would continue campaigning for a change.

With me were Evelyn Thompson, well-known for her ethnic grocery Tours of Chicago, and her equally food-loving husband, Dan Tong, a photographer and former neuroscientist.

Earlier that evening, Evelyn Thompson had guided me through a fair sampling of the ethnic groceries that are, so to speak, her bread and butter.

The Scoop: Angelina Jolie reprises familiar role as kickass spy, this time as Evelyn Salt, a CIA agent on the run after being accused of acting as a Russian spy.


His long suffering wife Evelyn said, "it's an adventurous life living with him."

Our former PC teacher Ms. Evelyn Lu is offering a similar summer program that is more beginner-oriented.

At 18, Evelyn was a freshman at Hunter College when she met Leonard Lauder, Estee Lauder's son, on a blind date.

Evelyn Mulwray: my sister, my daughter.

Evelyn Hiestand, a flight attendant, says she has been dancing salsa for years but feels that she has found something more genuine in Cuba.

He listed Evelyn Waugh, author of Brideshead Revisited, as his favourite writer.

"One of the reasons I went there was to study a system where men don't have the kind of power we are used to in the West," said Evelyn Blackwood, an anthropology professor at Purdue University.
