
来源:语文精选馆 2.39W

Nor age, to blanch thy vermeil hue.

Her normally rosy face took on a deeper hue.

My life is like a tapestry of rich and royal hue.

This juicy fruit is the best dietary source of lycopene, a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red hue, Béliveau says.

Fruits with a red hue, such as tomatoes, guava, and papaya, contain lycopene, a reddish pigment and nutrient.

The press raised a hue and cry against Feds spying into other people's business through wire - tapping.

The sky appears to glow an eerie green hue as the intense aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, shine in the moonlit night.

The hue is caused by the silt that is finely ground away from the valley walls by the glacier and deposited in the lake.

The 2-millimeter-tall polyp, which forms vast coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea, holes up in its Marine fortress and waits for the moon to shift from its usual blue hue to a redder glow.

A face in bluish hue.

You colour the idea of a prolonged existence in seductive hue.

Stretch marks, red skin striations that can gradually fade to a silvery hue, form when you gain weight rapidly.

The effects supported include desaturation and grayscale, inverting, flipping, brightness and contrast adjustment, hue and saturation, embossing, blurring and much more.

Red light dissipates beyond about 30 feet (10 meters), so the reddish hue of this fish would appear black in deeper waters, allowing some degree of invisibility for this nocturnal hunter.

The faces of these men were earthen in hue.

Sunlight reflecting off the water gives these caves their blue hue, making them popular for boating and diving.

Another is “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket” by Edgar Allan Poe, with its abrupt non-ending: “And the hue of the skin of the figure was of the perfect whiteness of snow.”

When flying over the location in a helicopter, the yellow hue is obvious (pictured top), but from space, it's hard to spot.

The sky had an eerie yellow-orange hue, with the sun glowing behind a peculiar haze.
