
来源:语文精选馆 2.85W

I woke up lovesick and confused.

The second, the one you should not known well,so then you may not lovesick.

In other words, do not let everyone see how lovesick you are.

I miss you, your sentimental smile in the frame is like a glass of wine, which makes me drank in the endless lovesick every night.

The mood is written in the years of the moonlight, even if the cold encounter, even if it has been written as a lovesick chapter, is still safe.

And I would rise, lovesick at heart.

Sustain me with raisin cakes, Refresh me with apples, Because I am lovesick.

By identifying the parts of the brain stimulated by love, doctors and therapists can better understand the pains of lovesick patients.

The lovesick St. British Excel themselves each Valentine's Day.

But all day long I heal for the honey但我每一天都在为爱疗伤Waitin' for the one I love等待着那个我心爱的人The noons are hot with heartache aplenty那些炎热的午后伴着浓浓的心疼I'm lovesick and undone我已相思成疾迷失自我

While the Disney Mulan prances around the screen with barely any inner turmoil, this Mulan carries not only heavy armor, but also a deeply fearful and lovesick heart.
