
来源:语文精选馆 2.66W

These could make the entities responsible for CER issuance liable for replacing CERs issued incorrectly in the past.

PSCO: Please show me the Condition Evaluation Report (CER) and Thickness Measurement Report (for oil tankers and bulk carriers only).

Marcie was one of the 1, 500 respondents to the CER survey, who, after being raped, decided to report to the police.


"Asks a pamphlet from the Centre for European Reform (CER), a London-based think-tank."


新碳金融的盖伊·特纳估计,生产成本低于1欧元的CER的日子一去不复返了,而现如今的定价范围更可能在1 - 5欧元。

Guy Turner at New Carbon Finance reckons that the days of the CER that costs less than EURO1 to produce are over, and that the range is now more like EURO1-5.

