
来源:语文精选馆 9.92K

women have strengths that amaze men.

You never cease to amaze me!

"To amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular display"

He can only amaze the ignorant and wake the laughter of the erudite.

We had to do something truly awe-inspiring... something that would astound and amaze.

The next day the duck was to be transported to California by plane to amaze them either.

It never ceases to amaze me just how adaptable the physiologic systems of these bears can be.

Lacquer relics excavated in the Mawangdui Han Tombs, which are over 2,000 years old, amaze visitors with their pearl-like sheen.

Such a classic -- the black and white to color never ceases to amaze me. And it really does make you appreciate home a little bit more.


It never ceases to amaze me how clever scientists can be in thinking up new research paradigms: Who would have ever thought of correlating cell phone calls with estrus cycles?

There is not one of those women, Egyptian, Turkish, or Greek, whom here you call 'good women, ' who do not know how, by means of chemistry, to stupefy a doctor, and in psychology to amaze a confessor.

你从来没有伤害过他 you'd never hurt him. 你从来没有伤害过我 you'd never hurt me. 我不会离开你 我不允许你离我而去 l won't leave you,l won't let you go.(这是删减版的原句) 你总是不断给我惊喜 伙伴 you never cease to amaze me,bud.

He never ceases to amaze me.

The rocket belt will always interest the public and amaze spectators.

Bringing out this concept on the city roads would amaze people with its style and looks.

It is the land of intrigue and mystery that never ceases to amaze me with its snow-capped peaks, the rapid rivers and the lush green valleys.

As his power and skill grew, the glories and splendors of Menzoberranzan ceased to amaze him, and it all seemed manageable.

The poor little girl and another girl with deep eyebrows stood in front of the chorus and, with a pure treble, climbed to the peak of the flowery aria to amaze the audience.

Newcomers strike amaze.

You appreciate creativity and imagination that has the power to inspire, uplift, or amaze.

The background of an era is always too open, no matter how you render, there is always no way to amaze this season.

As a pioneer in digital production with16 years of proven experience and the first digital production company in the region to enable film-resolution digital effects, the leap to the giant format multi-sensory experience offers Centros filmmaker-animators even greater opportunity to amaze audiences.

It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world's environmental problems.

By practicing self-critical thinking, your intellect will amaze you.

