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This grammar also knows about operator precedence.

The name specified by this environment variable has higher precedence.

This is the highest precedence username and password.

Always check the assembly drawing for confirmation as tightening torque values on the drawing takes precedence.

You would expect multiplication, for example, to have a higher precedence than addition.

Consider using parentheses to improve readability and avoid mistakes because of logical operator precedence.

The analyst USES Business rules and data precedence requirements to determine the order of the elements in the sequence.

If an application supports more than one dot file, the program typically applies precedence rules to favor one file over another.

By then, helicopters, fighter jets and panther-shaped robots take precedence over La Beouf and his exceptionally photogenic co-star Fox.

My rabbi does not take Jewish law lightly. But he told me the Jewish laws are things God wanted us to live by, not die by, and that saving a life takes precedence over all of them.

Quality takes precedence (Jidoka).

National defense must take precedence over all other questions.

"Our kids had to learn that their grandfather's needs took precedence over theirs," she recalls. "In fact, his needs took precedence over all our needs."

However, if you know that one might affect the other, you can control how they run using precedence.

The expiry of the Term. And after the term expiry, under the same condition, Party B have precedence right to lease the unit.

Although they use the same syntax as queue authorizations and the same precedence rules for profile specificity apply, authorizations on topics operate on a namespace rather than on specific objects.

If the character is an operator, pop operators until you reach an opening parenthesis, an operator of lower precedence, or a right associative symbol of equal precedence.

So the point is, there is something here called operator precedence, which is what the gentleman said.

Radiologic diagnosis will be given precedence.

Yet Berthold von Stauffenberg, the plotter's son, is opposed to the film because he thinks in such cases drama always takes precedence over facts.

Our company will continue to assert its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.
