
来源:语文精选馆 1.72W

2、This certificate qualifies the products.

4、A modifier both describes and qualifies.

6、A stroll around the garden hardly qualifies as exercise!

8、He qualifies for help on the grounds of disability.

10、Notice how the item page qualifies the dollar function with denoncourt retail namespace.

12、I'd like to propose a new definition for what qualifies as a viral Internet service.

14、In some areas, such as genes, software and stem-cell research, the question of what qualifies for protection is controversial.

16、The fourth line further qualifies your query to indicate that you're only interested in email addresses of Gold customers.

18、Although there is no universal agreement about what qualifies as PMS, two definitions are commonly used in research programs.

20、No director qualifies as independent unless the board of directors affirmatively determines that director has no mate rial relationship with the listed company.

22、Objective factuality qualifies educational knowledge for realization. But true realization appeals to educators who undertake the realization of educational knowledge in practice.

24、After considering the W3C's definition and the Venn diagram in Figure 1, we can say that any piece of software that is described using some XML-based description mechanism qualifies as a Web service.

26、Regina Jonas qualifies as a hero on the spot because of her "on the spot" job: to comfort Jews after they got off the trains and before they were murdered in Nazi concentration camps.

1、This certificate qualifies the product.

5、Being a single parent qualifies you for extra benefits.

9、In " blue pencils ", the adjective " blue " qualifies the noun " pencils ".

13、You just have to do a little thinking ahead and redefine what qualifies as dinner.

17、Yes, it says here that it's a five star, what actually qualifies in this guide as a ‘superseat'.

21、Once the customer has made up his mind to purchase the vehicle, he always qualifies for financing and completes the purchase.

25、Basically, if a customer qualifies for both a Books mail and a Video Games mail, the email with a higher average revenue-per-mail-sent will win out, " this employee told Fortune."

3、His knowledge qualifies him for the job.

11、You see, as soon as the row qualifies, predicate application within the OR list stops.

19、This unusual handling of time sequence not only brings readers a sense of absurdity, but also qualifies Catch-22 as an example of experimental fiction.

27、I doubt so, and one is then tempted to engage in a lengthy discussion if a“ trainer” is indeed a professional, as well as what exactly qualifies one to be a trainer.

15、This behavior qualifies as needy when the guy suspects the relationship is going nowhere but can't put the brakes on.

7、The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.

23、Suppose a firm is producing 1,000 units of output a year with a work force of 30, and it adds a 31st employee and thereby qualifies for a $5,000 tax credit.
