“lyric poet”可以造什么句,lyric poet造句

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lyric poet造句

2、He is a lyric poet.

4、Greek lyric poet remembered especially for his Odes.

6、Roman lyric poet. His Odes and Satires have exerted a major influence on English poetry.

8、Yecenin is a unique Russian lyric poet, whose works are full of features of times, of the style of nationality, and of distinct creative personality.

10、This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry.

12、The lyric poetry 《young girl and ocean》 of Stepan Shipachov, is a good example.

14、One of the German lyric poets and singers in the troubadour tradition who flourished from the12th to the14th century.

16、One of a class of12th - century and13th - century lyric poets in Provence, northern Italy, and northern Spain, who composed songs in langue d'oc often about courtly love.

3、Greek lyric poet (518-438 BC).

7、Their lyric poetry is to sing to do, the poet and the musician forever holds a concurrent post by one person, the lyric poet simultaneously is also a composer.

11、This is a good example of his lyric poetry.

15、Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admired by readers today: Sappho and Pindar.

5、Through these images, we can probe into the profound inner world of Shakespeare the lyric poet.

13、Jiu Ge is a group of lyric poetry with a novel way of composition.

9、He took away salaries from a number of men who held obvious sinecures, saying there was nothing meaner, nay more unfeeling, than the man who nibbled at the revenues of the state without giving any service in return; for the same reason, also, he reduced the salary of Mesomedes, the lyric poet.

1、A poet, especially a lyric poet.
