“The Grand Design”可以造什么句,The Grand Design造句

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The Grand Design造句

2、Physicist Stephen Hawking said essentially: Physics, not God, created the universe, in his new book "The Grand Design.

4、Mr. Hawking’s new book, “The Grand Design,” published on Tuesday, has already made headlines and been a trending topic on Twitter, thanks to a different sort of Godmongering.

6、The main novelty in “The Grand Design” is the authors’ application of a way of interpreting quantum mechanics, derived from the ideas of the late Richard Feynman, to the universe as a whole.

1、The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee.

5、Stephen Hawking, British physicist (and, apparently, troublemaker) makes this statement in his new book, The Grand Design, that went on shelves on Thursday.

3、Stephen Hawking USES his new book, The Grand Design, to admonish philosophers for failing to keep up.

7、There’s plenty in “The Grand Design” that, if you are not a physicist or a mathematician, will sometimes hurt your head, especially the ideas about why time as we know it does not exist.
