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In a hundredth of a second, light travels 3,000 kilometers.

Well, sir, I hope to have the privilege of interviewing you on your one hundredth birthday.

Until now, this has been a hundredth of the velocity that theory predicted.

This week on our program, we remember President Abraham Lincoln. This Thursday is the two hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Next week is the one hundredth anniversary of the Paris Air Show, the biggest in the world.

The real threat is that the latest automated pattern-recognition software can do much of the work for less than a hundredth of it.

Banks charge a fee for this service-about one hundredth of one percent of the face value of the gilt issued.

He said, "Do not select any province. Instead, tell your father the king that if he sends you, his one-hundredth son, out to a province, there will be no son remaining to serve him in his home city."

Its august president, the noted mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange, tried in vain to get the Republic to adopt the déci-jour and centi-jour (a tenth and a hundredth of a day, respectively).

Santa Fe is preparing to celebrate its four hundredth anniversary.

That would destroy an uncooled chip within a hundredth of a second.

What Seitz imagines is pumping even smaller bubbles, about one-five-hundredth of a millimeter in diameter, into the sea.

On the exciting day, let us give a toast for Bosch China's hundredth birthday and to congratulate beforehand Bosch and China a harmonious union lasting hundreds of years.

They are gathered up and injected into the quantum experiment at speeds of around five meters per second - just a hundredth the speed of the molecules flying around in the air.

The first two figures after the decimal point indicate tenth and hundredth respectively

President Obama will return to Illinois to celebrate Abraham Lincoln's two hundredth birthday at a big dinner in Springfield this Thursday.

Today, really good cameras fit in your pocket. And now, researchers at Cornell have developed a camera that’s just a half-millimeter on each side and a hundredth of a millimeter thick.

The average Chinese person is estimated to consume only 100 grams of chocolate a year-a hundredth or so of the amount devoured in northern Europe.

The centimeter is one - tenth of the decimeter or one - hundredth of the meter.
