
来源:语文精选馆 7.53K

The shining television tower beaconed through the evening.

domestic carp with some large large shining scales.

Best broke into two and a half crab, this can expose of shining white crab meat.

You rip off your dorky clothing to reveal a shining white robe beneath it.

Japan didn't fix its leaky roofs when the sun was shining prior to the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings.

A fine coating of resin is done after the painting in order to make a shining appearance.

"More to be desired are they than gold, even than much shining gold; sweeter than the dropping honey."

It detects fingerprints by shining polarized light onto a person's hand and analyzing the reflection using two cameras configured to detect different polarizations.

In this borderless new era, we will nurture a group of professionals to enable us to make a shining glory from a Chinese owned corporation like Uni-President.

Afterwards, % professional stylist Flavian Abbas will tease, twirl and boost roots for a blow dry that will leave your hair looking silken, shining with health and feeling light as air.

I changed planes in U.S. airports, I met a little girl beside him, her brown-orange hair, sunken eyes, with shining a hand in front of her is a constant friction toy bear.

Shanghai Dianshan Lake Sun& Moon Island Resort is lacated by the shining Yuan Dang Lake in the west part of Shanghai and neighbors on Da Guan Yuan-the national AAAA scenic spot.

The kids were shining a torch into the black hole.

The island of Sicily and the peninsula are shining lights of the city nightlife.

Her red windbreaker and long blond hair were shining like bright flags in the darkness.

Cooler weather the past two days, also falling under the streetlight shining on the trees alone neighbors.

"The trunk, strongly marked with the pruned stubs of old leaf Bases, ends in a crown of long, graceful, shining, pinnate leaves."

The morrow was Saturday, a half-holiday in many business quarters, and besides it was a balmy, radiant day, with the trees and grass shining exceedingly green after the rain of the night before.

Let other soldiers limp by in rags with their feet tied up in sacks and strips of carpet, but not Ashley. He should come home on a prancing horse, dressed in fine clothes and shining boots, a plume in his hat.

She shyly extended both hands toward him, the brass fingernails shining in the overhead light.

When Sebastian wanders along a pier, whistling, and then emits a low and chesty croon ("City of stars, / Are you shining just for me?"

One method used by some 3D applications for positioning objects is the idea of shadows—outlines of selected objects projected onto the grids as if a light is shining perpendicularly to each grid.

The sun is shining, and the wind is coming. The willow is falling like a flower. Its eyebrows are shining white, red scarred and flushed. Two heartbroken places are only for love, and for you.

And somewhere shining snow polished by the wind.

This courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.
