“alcohol poisoning”可以造什么句,alcohol poisoning造句

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alcohol poisoning造句

acute delirium caused by alcohol poisoning.

Never leave an unconscious person suffering from alcohol poisoning alone.

If you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning, call for emergency medical help right away.

Protective effect of puerarin on liver of mice chronic alcohol poisoning

Acute alcohol poisoning mostly involves in central nervous system, toxicities including ataxia, slurred speech, loss of equilibrium, coma and respiratory failure.

Apparently you can get drunk much faster by consuming cocktails this way, but it also greatly increases your risk of alcohol poisoning.

Narcotic analgesics and alcohol poisoning.

Symptoms that arise when there is a lot like water poisoning alcohol poisoning is nausea, vomiting and mental changes.

On JULY 11th several people arrived at a hospital in western Ecuador with symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Winehouse died aged 27 in July 2011 from alcohol poisoning. She had previously struggled with drug addiction for many years and had spent time in rehab.

Compound Danshen injection and naloxone in emergency treatment of 125 cases of alcohol poisoning

Influence of alcohol poisoning on heart

The singer Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning after a drinking binge following a period of abstinence, an inquest has heard.
