
来源:语文精选馆 2.88W

最后,标志——no - create禁止autoconf创建Makefile和头文件

In this case, the Makefile file is an existing file that has been modified (indicated by the letter m at the beginning of the line), while the ple.

使用一个经过适当配置的Makefile,将只会从源文件编译foo . o。

在这里,Makefile文件是已经修改过的现有文件由行开头的字母m表示,而hgrc . example文件是还没有跟踪的新文件由行开头的问号?

如果要使用这个库的所有特*,就需要在程序中包含 m17n.h 头文件,然后在链接选项中加上 -lm17n选项,这可以在Makefile 中实现。


If you intend to use all the features of the library, include the header file m17n.h in your program, and then add -lm17n to your link options -- say in a Makefile.

Good question, so we didn't have a Makefile yet, more on that in the future.

在这里,Makefile文件是已经修改过的现有文件(由行开头的字母M表示),而ple文件是还没有跟踪的新文件(由行开头的问号 ?

Makefile is the controlling program, while and encode the service dependencies when starting and stopping services for runlevel 5, respectively.
