
来源:语文精选馆 2.97W

2、Application of NAC Technology in Network Management

4、Investigation of Roles of NAC in the Cochlear after Gentamicin Ototoxicity;

6、Effect of NAC on Earlier Period Schistosomiasis Liver Pathological Changes in Mice;

8、The Feasibility and Patient Selection of Nipple-areola Complex (NAC)-preserving Surgery Approaches;

10、Since the 1997-98 school year, short-term but full-time preparatory courses for NAC have also been provided.



16、The aim of this study was to determine the effect of brain aging and the role of ASN and NAC peptide on striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) function.

18、During the October 6, 2008 flyby of Mercury, MESSENGER's NAC captured a new view of the bright, radial ejecta rays of Kuiper crater that were previously imaged by Mariner 10 at a lower Sun Angle.




26、要改变你的生命,你一定要改变你的神经系统联想方式。要改变并持之以恒,就必须做到下列三件事。它们就是NAC的三个基本原则。 1.督促自己。 要做到这一点,有三个必须做到的责任,你一定要下决定遵守它们: A:有些事情必须改变 B:我一定要改变它 C:我一定能改变它 2.改变你现有的思考模式。你一定要改变原有的思考及感觉模式,如果你利用一个特别的方式,例如将你的言行举止做一个彻底的改变就可以达到最好的功效。 3.创造一个全新而有力的联想方式。做一个全新的选择,并增强实行它的力量。在持续地强调之下,任何的思想、情感与行为都将变成一种习惯(一种足够成为成功条件的典范)。将你的选择与快乐连结起来。就算是很小的进步也可以用来奖励你自己,并且可以发现你正迅速

3、Fatality from iatrogenic NAC overdose has been reported.

7、The mechanism may be BSO or NAC pretreatment causing the changes of intracellular GSH level.

11、The Importance of 8-iso-PGF2a in Assessing the Condition of HIE and the Effect of NAC in Treating HIE;




1、The deal to bring NAC to Longbridge was brokered between Birmingham City Council and NAC UK.

9、This scene was imaged by MESSENGER's Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) during the spacecraft's flyby of Mercury on January 14, 2008.

17、在怀疑过量使用乙酰氨基*的患者获知其APAP水平前,并没有非常迫切开始使用NAC 的需要。


13、The positive cells and apoptosis of ICAM-1 express were significantly decreased at the corresponding time after NAC interfere compared with ICH group(P

5、Two years later, NAC merged with SAIC and the MG marque was once again reborn.

