“at one sitting”可以造什么句,at one sitting造句

来源:语文精选馆 3.03W
at one sitting造句

2、Just as no one grows fat at one sitting, no success can be attained with one single effort.

4、Sitting in the long-distance bus station in Guanqian Town, I took a rest, drank a can of Obijia, bought another Jin of longan, and ate more than 20 pieces at one sitting.

6、It is usually more profitable to practice several things at one sitting and let them all improve simultaneously (while you are not practicing!), than working too hard on one thing.

3、In this dining hall 1000 people can be served at one sitting.

1、About 100 people can be served at one sitting, ie together, at onetime.

5、At dinner, Wu Nan, who usually doesn't eat much, ate five or six bowls of rice at one sitting, which fully proved that our group lacked exercise at ordinary times.
