TheBlogofRosie TheWeekendByRosie|June6,2016Hi!I’monvaca...

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The Blog of Rosie

TheBlogofRosie TheWeekendByRosie|June6,2016Hi!I’monvaca...


The Weekend By Rosie | June 6, 2016 Hi! I’m on vacation here in London… and it’s fantastic! On Saturday I was in the British Museum for three hours. On Sunday I visited Tower Bridge. Where were you over the weekend? Tell me your news!


TheBlogofRosie TheWeekendByRosie|June6,2016Hi!I’monvaca... 第2张

Sophia·9:30 Glad you’re having a great vacation. I was in the Summer Palace in Beijing on Saturday. I was there for a flower show. It was amazing! And there were lots of people. But on Sunday it was rainy and I wasn’t very well. I stayed in bed for a whole day. ● Replay ● Share

TheBlogofRosie TheWeekendByRosie|June6,2016Hi!I’monvaca... 第3张

Steve·10:10 It was cloudy the whole weekend in Paris. On Saturday I was at a football game with my classmates. It was exciting! On Sunday I was at the shops with Ann for four hours. ● Replay ● Share

TheBlogofRosie TheWeekendByRosie|June6,2016Hi!I’monvaca... 第4张

Jack·11:00 I wasn’t at home over the weekend. On Saturday I was in Scotland for a trip. It was a lovely, warm day and I had a picnic with friends. It was great! Sunday was boring. It took me five hours to get back home. It was a long journey. ● Replay ● Share

TheBlogofRosie TheWeekendByRosie|June6,2016Hi!I’monvaca... 第5张

Kate·11:20 On Saturday I was at Heathrow Airport. I met a friend there and we talked together for two hours. I was very happy. On Saturday I was in Sydney for a concert. It is winter in Australia. And it was windy and cold! ● Replay ● Share


32.On Saturday Sophia was    . the Summer Palace the British Museum Tower Bridge Heathrow Airport

33.What was the weather like when Steve was in Paris?

A.Rainy.                    B.Warm.                    C.Cloudy.                  D.Cold.

34.How long did it take Jack to get back home?

A.Two hours                                                 B.Three hours

C.Four hours                                                D.Five hours

35.Kate was in Sydney for      .

A.a picnic                                                    B.a concert

C.a football game                                          D.a flower show








32.细节理解题。根据I was in the Summer Palace in Beijing on Saturday. 可知Sophia在星期六在颐和园,故选A。

33.细节理解题。根据It was cloudy the whole weekend in Paris.可知当Steve在巴黎时,天气是多云,故选C。

34.细节理解题。根据 It took me five hours to get back home.可知Jack回家花费了五个小时,故选D。

35.细节理解题。根据On Saturday I was in Sydney for a concert.可知Kate在悉尼是为了参加一个音乐会。故选B。


