
来源:语文精选馆 3.27W



1. 接着传来让人不安的消息: 多利羊患上了重病。

Then_______ _________ ________ ________that Dolly had become seriously ill.

2. 由于朋友的敦促,我决定抓住这次机会为我这次成功的思路寻求认可。

__________ by my friends, I decided to ________ the opportunity to get __________ for my successful idea.

3. 我着手研究蛇的习*,以便能找到最容易的方法捉住他们。

I ____  ____ researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.

4. 你的产品要经过仔细检查,*它确实与众不同的,你才能获得专利。

Nor _________ you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product _________ from everyone else’s.

5. 我从没想到他作为优等生居然考试不及格

___________never ________  ________ me that as one of the top students he should fail in the exam.

6. 偶尔离开平路,去寻求困境。

Leave the beaten track ____________ and_________  ___________ the woods.

7. 有一条专门为游客划定的吸引人的驾车线路

There’s a fascinating drive _______ _________ for tourists.

8. 经理划了根火柴,点了一支烟。

The manager _______(strike) a match and lit a cigarette.


1. came the disturbing news  2 Pressed/Urged  seize/catch/grasp  recognition/recognized about   4. will  differs    5 It occurred to 

6 occasionally  dive into  7. marked out   8 struck


