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    The more we rely on our phones to transact our personal financial business,the more we’re all exposed to mobile security traps:little-known threats to everything from your online banking password to your credit card details.Here are five simple steps to keep your cell phone secure

    Fix up leaky(有漏洞的)apps(short for applications).It’s tough to tell the difference between a good and bad app.  36  Check each app’s rating "and read the user reviews to make sure it is widely used and respected.

  Set a password on your phone ,37  without a password,anyone within an arm’s length can steal your phone and start reading your email。text messages or listen to your voicemail.

    Watch for doubtful links.People are three times more likely to click on a doubtful link from their phone than their rding to a recent study.38 Be cautious of doubtful-looking links sent to you in email,SMS or on social networking sites.

    Be careful what you do at unsecured WiFi hotspots.Use caution when checking your email on public WiFi(for example,at a local coffee shop).

    39  When you enter your password or credit card details while using one of these wireless networks,you run the risk of someone else seeing your sensitive information.

    40  Without a password people call(and do)download it onto your phone and track your phone usage,text messages。location and banking activity,among other things,without your knowledge.In the Android Market or iTunes store,search for“mobile security”and download a free app that will stop you from dangerously downloading viruses onto your phone.

    A.Keep spyware from watching you.

    B. But other cell phone users have been less lucky.

    C Only download application from sites you trust.

    e wireless places transmit your data over the air.

    E This is the first line of defense,and only takes about 30 seconds.

    all the same types of attacks that could happen to a computer can happen to a smart phone.

    to the small size of the screen,it is harder to figure out whether a site looks legal or not.




